Saturday 29 June 2019

An alter ego

Watched a really fascinating You Tube video, well several really, about creating a Drag Queen personality and how it empowered those who did.
Equally fascinating was the number of women creating a drag Queen image to overcome their body image or general self consciousness.
The transformation of both men and women was amazing and it got me thinking........who is my Drag persona?
Hunting on Google I found a drag name generator and after a few questions (no email required, yay) I got a name;
Monica Tension
I loved the play on words and enjoyed playing with the concept of Monique Attention coming from it.
Ok Monica, time you were borne, who are you?
Travelling on the train to Hastings I allowed my mind to become her and speak. She was funny, oh so funny, and unapologetic.
She wasn't racist, sexist or phobic, far from it, but Lily Savage, you have a relative. Letting my mind just wander I had to be careful I didn't laugh out loud at the outrageous things she was saying.
When I got off the train I decided to enter her world. I would walk like her, talk like her and for just this few hours allow her to become.
Well, buying coffee at one of the seafront outlets ended up a total laugh.
From fed up to laughing, the vendor gave me my coffee and wished me a brilliant day. I could still hear her laughing as I walked away.
No rudeness, no sexual innuendo, no smut as Lily would say, just playing with words and things I'd noticed.
Monica had the power to entertain and brighten days. Now that's a positive aspect to have rediscovered.

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