Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Home, washing and normal routines

Yesterday was the final day of waiting, sitting and hoping for a prompt departure.
The night had been one of rough seas and sleeting rain, but we arrived at Portsmouth roughly on time.
I did wonder whether the pilot was going to be able to board at 6am as the ship was being pushed about by the waves and buffeted by the wind.
I had tag number 24 so sat in the library with the other 20 somethings (up to 24 that is). We were the second to last group to disembark and by the looks of it, the crew would get everyone off by 10:30am giving them until 2pm to clear, clean, restock and prepare for the next group who were looking forward to two weeks cruising the Canary islands.
I envied them, they were heading back to 26°C, blue skies and longer days.
So, an eventful three weeks and one I won't forget in a hurry. I did meet some lovely people and I did wander in some fascinating places. The weather had been so kind to us too with average temperatures of 28°C. I've come back disgustingly brown and that was without trying.
So all in all and great time so next.....
Norway in March, should be fun.....see you on deck 6 Shirley šŸ˜˜

Sunday, 3 December 2023

Final day, French coast and then home

The Bay of Biscay was, and I'm almost wary of saying this, gentle. The storm was behind us and we kept running flat out to avoid it.

It seems most of the weather was catching us on the stern so we remained stable throughout the night.
Waking to my last full day I looked out on one of those sunrises commensurate with the English coast; dark clouds, leden skies, black seas, but now I'm sitting on the balcony enjoying sunshine, little wind and a gentle autumnal warmth.
The traffic is quite something. I've counted five ships within easy eyesight. The captain said we were now on ship routing and we could expect to see an increase in ships traffic. Probably be more once we reach the channel. 
I've packed already. Its easy enough. I may have a big case but its invariably half empty. The heavy parts are the books, and yes, I've read all of them.
I've also read five off Kindle (thank heavens for that) so it's been a totally engaging time.
Yes, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and am looking forward to the next one which is February I think. Off to see the reindeer, Shirley and lots of snow. Excited!!

Saturday, 2 December 2023

A'CoruƱa, migraine and early departure

We docked early but the head pain I was suffering was still disabling. Most of the time I can keep Ehlers Danlos under control but the cold and cough pushed it too far.
So I didnt get off, just crawled around with a collar on, sitting, falling into fitful sleep and generally feeling rubbish.
Views from the balcony early in the morning. The place looked really interesting and I'm sad I didnt get off but I'd like to spend two weeks up on this coast and explore. I think there's a hotel Saga utilise which I will look into when I get back.
It's the Bay of Biscay tonight and tomorrow. It seems a storm is coming but if we're lucky....... The captain told us the seas would be about 3m which is what we had last night. 
I do hope we have a nice day tomorrow. It's the final day and disembarking for me is 9:40am Monday morning.
Home soon.
February it's up to Norway.....with Shirley....Yay. 

Friday, 1 December 2023

One stop remaining

It was a bouncy night with rattling and clanking reminding us we were heading home. 
Looking out the cabin window it was still dark, the sun wasn't even close to rising but pillows of white foam were crashing out from our passage.
This cold is still hanging around and like many of us, blights yet another day.
Not taking up any excursions was a good move on my part allowing me the opportunity to dwell where I want to, explore what I fancy and stop where I wished.
I've seen so much more this way but, and there is a but, I've not gone further than my feet would allow.
I know there's much more to wander through in Cadiz for example, and spending more time following my nose in Santa Cruz de Tenerife would be fascinating.
But, would I want to return to Cape Verde? No. It's a long way to go for just two days and I'm not that impressed by either island to want to spend 4 days at sea to get there.
Ok, so what about today? Well, we're at sea, on our way up the Portuguese coast, past Lisbon (a stopping destination from last year) and up to A'CoruƱa, our final stop.
Today I'll spend my time devouring yet another book then back to the cabin to continue feeling rough and consider the ideal medical kit to carry each trip. It's a hard life.....but someone's gotta do it.