Friday 3 May 2024

Vigo, the afternoon stroll.

As stated previously, Vigo is all hills so although Google says I didn't walk far, it really was akin to the old Hovis advert.
Getting into the old part of town was lovely; narrow streets, winding lanes and sets of stairs, loads of stairs.
Sadly, since I damaged my knees climbing them has not been easy so I hunted out the longer routes.
The weather had shown me its warmer, sunnier side, so with hands in pockets and raincoat zipped (there was still a chill in the air) I walked along the promenade by the marina.
As usual, it was full of eye wateringly expensive yachts. Few people were around or apparently on board however.
In front of the club house I found the statue dedicated to Jules Verne.
One of the chapters in his famous book is dedicated to Vigo and life under the sea. Vigo itself is famous for its octopus and all things sea food, hence the connection. Mussel beds are strung along one side of the estuary and are a major industry for the area.
Leaving the marina I strolled up the hill to the Prasa de Compostela and walked along the tree lined gardens there.
Sad the sun wasn't shining but at least no rain. 
With no particular direction in mind I followed my nose looking for 'interesting' directions to take. I saw an upward, narrow street so followed it.
I arrived at the church which was closed. Very austere from the outside, the interior made up for its external severity.
Decked out with magnificent carvings and lashings of gold leaf, the alter almost groaned under the weight of its precious clothing. I would love to have gone in but today is a holiday so few places are open.
The narrow lanes running off from the church square were amazing.
This was definitely the old quarter and like many old areas in large towns, much was bricked up or just left abandoned. 
Builders prevailed however and that wonderful smell of plaster, cement and fresh brickwork permeated the air.

The rains were threatening now after an initial burst of blue sky so making my way back downhill I found myself opposite the shopping centre which is quayside (next to a huge casino obviously in place for the rich marina).
Not a lot left in there. Like many a shopping centre its suffered in recent times. Although it is multi storey, only  ground level seemed fully occupied.
As the wind began to whip up again I thought it time to head back to the ship. 
But first, a full customs check, body scanner and all that jazz.

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