Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Just so you know.....

That other blog I kinda hinted might be created is now up and running
I call it Eclectic Magpie because I believe it sums up the content; topics which catch my attention, ideas which rumble about and just general chitchat, as you do.
I have, some say, and over active thinking brain. I consider it normal to hold internal discussions and sometimes I find I break out laughing as aspects of me get embroiled in an argument which becomes progressively more humourous. The quick one liners start and me, invariably the bystander, can't help but giggle at the empass.
So, for what it's worth Eclectic Magpie is the verbalisation of some of these internal dialogues.
I hope you find them interesting, fun and potentially thought provoking. 

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