Wednesday, 18 December 2019

That bloody alarm clock and I are going to fall out! 🤬

29th November 
At precisely 05:30 the alarm chirps the dawn of a new day! I really did think I'd switched the bugger off, but no, happy as the lark it heralded, it trilled out its earth shattering noise which pierced the earplugs. 
Another early before the sun has risen mornings, not what I had envisioned at all.
Time crawls slowly when I'm tired I've found and breakfast was far from inspiring. Once more it was a small salad and American cheese, which, I must say, is not the real cheese I have become accustomed to. Making the decision I need to furnish myself with an alternative,  I am enjoying a cup of black tea (no milk, it tastes .....different, yes let's leave it at that shall we) and then it's a wander to the small supermarket just down the road. 
Keto plus this hotel equals a problem sadly.

Houston we have a problem.....
I decided to have a swim, my only problem is, this is definitely the wrong swimwear. This is larger than me, it's rather, um, roomy hanging low in the crotch....too roomy to be decent. The excess fluid I always pick up, flying, has gone and I'm considerably smaller than I was yesterday. Bugger. Might end up getting another down the road. 
Anyway, the day was nice enough and the temperatures reached 25°C at its zenith. Compared with home (8°C max), that's a massive difference. I have some short sundresses so I'll wear those instead. Just as good and in a way, far more flattering. 
So onto the beach, enjoy the sun and the return for lunch of pork skewers and salad.
It's now 17:09 and the temperature is a comfortable 22°C. People are congregating outside at the terrace bar whilst a couple still swim in the pool. 😕 love to join them, but not really ideal coverage at the moment.
Wish my back would stop hurting so much. It's now a case of 400mg nurofen just to calm it down. Oh well, it eases at night.

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